30 March 2020

Bea and Jasper will have only the two chicks - SZ and KS this year. Today marks the 47th day for the third egg. Normally ospreys hatch 35 - 42 days.

21 March 2020

The second chick, KS, hatched sometime in the morning of Saturday, March 21, 2020. The second chick took 41 days to hatch.

20 March 2020

It's possible the 2nd chick is attempting to hatch. It appears there is a pip in the egg. It looks as though there is a bit of egg shell raised. Either wishful thinking or the second chick is on its way. Then again the lines on the shell could be scratches from Bea.

19 March 2020

The first chick is in the process of hatching. The eggs normally hatch in the order that they were laid. In the past few years the first chick hatched in 38, 41, 40, and 39 days. So this little one is on pace with its predecessors.

The little chick hatched at 7:31 this morning. It's name is SZ. Photos to be posted a little later.

18 March 2020

We think we are seeing a PIP on one of the eggs. A pip is a small hole the chick makes with its egg tooth that is located If this is the case and the chick eventually hatched today it will be 41 days for the first egg.

16 March 2020

Today is the 39th day since the first egg was laid. As viewer Beth indicated, we could start seeing chicks this week.   :)

10 March 2020

Today marks the 33rd day since the first egg was laid. The past few seasons the first egg hatched 38 - 42 days after being laid so we might see the first chick in one week.

25 February 2020

It's been nineteen days since the first egg was laid so we are about half way through the incubation period. The pair has been dealing with colder temperatures and rain the last week, but all in all their routine hasn't been hampered with intruding ospreys and the fish have been plentiful.

12 February 2020

Bea and Jasper have their third egg as of Wednesday morning, February 12, 2020.

10 February 2020

Bea and Jasper have their second egg as of Sunday morning, February 9th.