31 March 2022

Bea and Jasper now have three eggs. The first egg was laid March 24th, the second egg was laid March 27th and the 3rd was March 30th.

30 March 2022

As of 7:23 this morning Bea and Jasper still have the two eggs. Providing the eggs are viable, we should see some chicks in early May. Until the eggs hatch Bea and Jasper will alternate incubating the eggs. Once the first chick emerges then Bea will take charge in caring for the chicks while Jasper will provide the family fish. 

The eggs will hatch in sequence in which they were laid. The incubation period is any where from 36 - 42 days with a clutch size of 1 - 4 eggs.

28 March 2022

 Bea and Jasper now have two eggs. The red glow is from the beacon light on the tower.

24 March 2022


Bea and Jasper have their first egg for the 2022 season. Bea either laid the egg last night or early this morning. Either way she almost beat the March 25th date for a late arrival of laying her first egg of the season, which she had done in 2011.

As soon as the sun comes up we hope to post a few photos.

21 March 2022

As of March 21, 2022 at 7:46am the pair, Bea and Jasper, still have not produced any eggs. Back in 2011, the first year the pair arrived at our communications tower, the pairs first egg was laid March 25th. At this rate they may surpass that date. 

Keep your fingers crossed that they start their clutch soon.

21 February 2022

The pair, Bea and Jasper, have been working on rebuilding their nesting site. Below are photos from earlier this month and with a shot from today so you can see their work. The nest bowl is a little closer to the side than what I was wishing for, but they know best. Maybe in March we will see a clutch of eggs.

09 February 2022

With Bea and Jasper's return to the communication tower we hope to see some nest building activity take place. Only about two new sticks have been placed on the platform, so the pair needs to kick it into high gear to have a proper nest for their impending clutch. Maybe the cool temperatures is hampering their search efforts for nesting material.

03 February 2022

 Welcome to our 2022 Osprey Season at Palmetto Electric

The osprey pair, Bea and Jasper, have returned for their 12th season. The pair has produced 16 offspring since their tenure at this site. Our nesting site is located about mid island and is situated around several water ways providing Jasper a multitude of options to feed his family. We welcome our viewers comments and anticipate a season with new chicks to watch grow.

The red glow on the birds is from the beacon light atop our communications tower.

02 February 2022

 Happy 2022 to all of our Osprey viewers. We have our first osprey on the nest. We'll review these pictures from past photos and see if it matches others from Bea or Jasper.