25 April 2023

Bea and Jasper have settled in nicely to the rhythm of incubating their two eggs. The first egg was laid April 12th and the second was April 15th. From past history the pair usually sees a chick about 38 days after the egg was laid which should be around May 20 - 23. So it should be another five weeks until the nest has little chicks wiggling about the nest. 

The nest itself has taken shape compared to what it was at the beginning of the season. Back in 2017 a crew secured hardware cloth underneath the fence platform to prevent eggs and chicks from falling through as that has happened in past years when the osprey's nest wasn't up to par.

17 April 2023

Bea and Jasper have their second egg that was laid Saturday, April 15th. With the pairs history they would normally have had chicks on the nest by now. This is the latest the pair has laid eggs since they have been on the nest since 2011. 

13 April 2023

We have our first egg of the 2023 season. Not exactly sure when the egg was laid, but I'm thinking it was this week. The pair is very last, compared to prior seasons, with their egg laying. Maybe they knew of the cold snap we had and decided to hold off. Regardless, we (they) have the first egg which I for one thought the pair would not have any this year. 

Bea and Jasper's last successful clutch was in 2021 with two of their three chicks fledging. Last season the pair had three eggs, neither of them with chicks hatching. 

24 March 2023

The pair, Bea and Jasper, are finally starting to rebuild their nest. They have a very long way to go, but at least they're making an attempt. In past years the pair were quick to tidy up the nest atop the 100' communications tower. Below are the before and current photos of the nest rebuild.

15 March 2023

As a few viewers have mentioned, the pair doesn't seem very interested in repairing their nest or mating.

It's not looking very promising for 2023 at the rate Bea and Jasper are moving. We'll continue to keep an eye on the two. If we are lucky, maybe Bea and Jasper will get their act together.

As you can tell, not much work has been done by either osprey to repair their nest.

21 February 2023

Welcome to the opening of Palmetto Electric's 2023 Osprey Season. Bea and Jasper have returned for their 13th season. The pair is a bit late in their return compared to previous seasons. The nest, atop of our 100' communications tower, is in desperate need of repair.

So far Bea and Jasper have accounted for 16 fledging juveniles. Last year the pair had three eggs, but Bea stopped incubating them mid April. She must have known the eggs were not viable. The last year a chick fledged for the pair was 2021. 

We welcome your posts and are glad to see the pair has returned safely back to their nesting grounds.

22 April 2022

The osprey pair, Bea and Jasper, have stopped incubating their three eggs as of April 21st. Maybe the eggs were not viable so they knew to stop caring for them. We'll continue to monitor the couple and see what unfolds.

21 April 2022

Yesterday we noticed that Jasper and Bea began mating again which we thought was odd. Today Bea has not been incubating the eggs for over 2 hours now. Not sure what is going on with the pair and their three eggs.

31 March 2022

Bea and Jasper now have three eggs. The first egg was laid March 24th, the second egg was laid March 27th and the 3rd was March 30th.

30 March 2022

As of 7:23 this morning Bea and Jasper still have the two eggs. Providing the eggs are viable, we should see some chicks in early May. Until the eggs hatch Bea and Jasper will alternate incubating the eggs. Once the first chick emerges then Bea will take charge in caring for the chicks while Jasper will provide the family fish. 

The eggs will hatch in sequence in which they were laid. The incubation period is any where from 36 - 42 days with a clutch size of 1 - 4 eggs.