25 June 2024

It's been 6 weeks and three day since the first chick, AT, hatched and exactly six weeks for HT. The juveniles have been developing skills for flying by stretching and flapping their wings. Juveniles usually take their first flight seven to eight weeks after hatching. We haven't seen either of the juveniles hop and hover over the nest yet, but that may come soon.

Jasper has done a great job providing fish this year as well as assist Bea with fending off crows that been about the nest all season. The two juveniles often mimic Bea with tidying the nest and stretching their wings when a crow is too close.

24 June 2024

Our host provider for the osprey nest corrected the website page problem. You can view the nest again at https://www.palmetto.coop/osprey-habitats.

21 June 2024

We have reached out to our host provider to see what the problem is with publishing the osprey nest images. We hope to have it resolved soon. Below are a few recent images of AT and HT as they both are growing into beautiful juveniles. 

30 May 2024

The two chicks, AT and HT, are almost three weeks old. The siblings are doing well with Jasper providing an abundance of fish. There is a little bit of sibling rivalry, though not as much from previous years. A peck or two from AT seems to be all that is needed at this time.

AT is on the left in both photos.

24 May 2024

This morning, Friday, May 24th, there are only the two oldest chicks (AT and HT) on the nest. It's possible a crow took FTF. We don't see the third chick anywhere on the platform. 

22 May 2024

All three chicks are doing well at the nest. The third chick, FTF, is about half the size of AT and HT, but still hanging with its older siblings. The two older chicks often tussle about with FTF keeping its head down. Jasper has done an excellent job suppling either Spanish Mackerel or Blue Fish to his family.

The pair and their chicks have been bothered by crows and both parents have been fending them off. Predation by crows is possible with the chicks only 11, 10 and 8 days old.

14 May 2024

Bea and Jasper's third chick, FTF, hatched today at 1:40pm.

As a pair, Bea and Jasper have produced 41 eggs with 17 chicks fledging since 2011.

Jasper brought in a nice fish to feed the two chicks breakfast before more rain heads our way. The third chick is currently breaking through its shell. You can see the chick's "egg tooth" in the photos. The egg tooth is a handy little tool that the chicks use to break the egg's shell.

13 May 2024

Jasper brought in a small fish as the chicks had a little breakfast. Hoping he catches another fish soon as we anticipate rain in about two hours.

Not sure if the egg has the beginnings of a pip or if the egg is just scratched. The chicks process of breaking open the eggshell is referred to as pipping.

As of 7:22AM this morning we have two chicks with the third hopefully hatching today or tomorrow. The incubation period for the first egg was 39 days and the second egg's incubation period was 37 days. Osprey incubation periods range from 36 - 42 days.