26 March 2018

Bea and Jasper are just a few weeks away from the chicks hatching. March 28 and March 31 will mark the fifth week for the 3rd and 4th eggs. Other than Jasper bringing in fish and then assisting with incubation, not much has been happening at the platform.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date!
Glad to hear things have remained calm and quiet since the intruder!

Dennis M said...

thanks for the update i check in daily waiting

birdgirl said...

Anxious to see two little bobble heads! Keep up the good work, Bea and Jasper!

Vivian, GA

joan n said...

im not able to get a picture at the moment. are you guys having camera trouble or is it on my end?

moderator said...

We are sending images of the nest. Will check with the website host provider.
Thanks for informing us!